To create a positive and approachable environment in which students and new genetic counselors can get involved with their professional society early in their careers; to facilitate communication, mentorship, and collaboration within our membership and between other SIGs and committees; to allow our members to participate in or lead projects in line with their personal interests via task forces; to promote continuous growth of our members’ professional network and relationships.
Membership Benefits
- Opportunity for networking and leadership.
- Mentorship within the SIG between current students and new genetic counselors.
- Scholarship opportunities (travel grant to the Annual Conference and a 1-year membership to NSGC).
- Bi-annual boards study groups (and study guide) with support throughout the study period.
- Large educational resource library with references and documents created by our SIG for SIG members.
- Opportunity to participate in outreach events directed towards the general population, high school students, and college campuses including guidance counselors, professors, and students.
- Webinars on topics such as non-clinical student rotations, mentorship, becoming a clinical supervisor, research design, etc.
- Opportunities to start or collaborate on projects within the SIG as well as with other SIGs.
- Job search resources and tips.
- Built-in community of over 100 members.
- For new genetic counselors:
- Monthly peer supervision group calls to discuss challenging cases or professional issues.
- Support with clinical supervision.
Our Task Forces
- Education/Certification Task Force
- Prospective Students Task Force
- Outreach Task Force
- Resources Task Force
- Clinical Supervision Task Force *new*
- Peer Supervision Task Force *new*
- Mentorship Task Force *new*
- AC Event Coordinator
- GC Student/New Member Liaison
- Social Media Manager
Current Members: Access the Student/New Member SIG community (including the Student/New Member Discussion Forum and SIG Documents) here.
Valerie Chu
Rachel Hendricks