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SIG Research Grant Funding

Beginning in 2024, the application and review process for SIG Research Grants changed. Grant applications will undergo a two-step review by SIG Leaders and the Research Quality and Outcomes Committee (RQO). The document describes the new process, application requirements, review criteria, timeline, and sample proposals.

General Application Requirements 

Application details: Proposals should include a cover page, conflict of interest statement, project description, timeline, budget, and biographical justification of key personnel). Please see the attached application template.

Step 1 - SIG Application and Review

All SIG research grant funding requests must be pre-approved by the SIG using whatever approval process the SIG has in place.  Applicants should check with their SIG leaders to determine process and timing requirements to align with the organizational submission deadlines. NSGC members that are interested in applying for a SIG Research Grant should follow the instructions for the relevant SIG to which they are applying. SIG leaders will review the grant applications submitted to their SIG and nominate applications to be reviewed by the NSGC RQO Committee. SIG leaders determine their scoring and review criteria. If an application is approved by the SIG leaders, applicants will be asked to submit their proposals to the RQO directly.

All SIG research grant funding requests must be pre-approved by SIG leadership. Applicants should check with their SIG leaders to determine process and timing requirements to align with the RQO submission deadlines. For applications, please connect with the SIGs designated contact.

SIG leaders will determine which SIG grant funding requests will be submitted for consideration by the SIG Grant Funding Subcommittee of the RQO Committee.

Step 2 - RQO Application and Review

If SIG Leaders review and approve an application, applicants should submit their proposals via Open Water for RQO review and final funding decisions.
Note: Please only submit your application for SIG Research Grant Funding through this link if your application has been reviewed and selected by the SIG leaders of your SIG.

RQO Application Review and Scoring Rubric

Applications that pass the SIG review will undergo a standardized review process by multiple members of the RQO Committee, ensuring proper disclosure and management of any potential conflicts of interest Detailed feedback will not be provided to unsuccessful applicants. Details of the RQO review criteria and scoring rubric can be found here. Please note: this is not the scoring rubric used by the SIGs to score applications. This rubric is used by the RQO committee after the SIG leaders have reviewed and selected your application for review by the RQO committee.

Step 3 - Award Notification Process 

SIGs will be notified about final funding decisions by the RQO SIG Grant Subcommittee and are responsible for communicating directly to applicants about their award status. 

Step 4 - Reporting Requirements 

Progress reports will be due at the conclusion of the study to the relevant SIG, the RQO SIG Grant Subcommittee, and the RQO NSGC staff member. This report should be 2 page maximum, including tables/figures if applicable. These reports should include details on study milestones and financial reporting. Any unused funds at the conclusion of the study are required to be returned to NSGC.

General Questions

What is the total SIG research grant funding available for 2025?

$20,000 in total funding is available for the 2025 fiscal year.

Is there a cap on the total funding awarded to any given SIG?

No, there is no official cap on the total funding awarded to each SIG. However, RQO reviewers consider how many applications are submitted per SIG in an effort to make the funding equitable across SIGs.

To whom will research grant funds be awarded?

Funds will be awarded through the recipient’s intuition’s grants office.

What will be required of SIGs to document use of the research project funds?

At the conclusion of their research, awardees will be required to submit documentation of expenses, including the budgeted expenses budget compared to actual expenses with receipts.  Awardees will also be required to submit a final report to their SIG leaders and the RQO Committee.

What happens to any unspent funds at the conclusion of the research?

Any unspent funds will be returned to NSGC.

My SIG has a research project that we want to complete but the required budget is >$2,500.  Can we use this application process?

No, the most that can be awarded to each research project is $2,500. If your research project’s budget exceeds $2,500, we recommend that you explore NSGC’s other award and grant opportunities here.
