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Late Career SIG


The Late Career SIG provides an opportunity for working and retired genetic counselors to connect and collaborate on late-career issues and giving back to the profession. 

Transitions to Retirement Webinar Recording

The Late Career SIG was pleased to present "A Workshop: Retirement Transition Roadmap, Understanding the Landscape" on 2021. This discussion, facilitated by Retirement Consultant & Certified Life Coach Barbara Philips, explored topics such as what to expect from retirement, why retirement is different now, and how to get started. View the recording.

Membership Benefits

  • Participation in a group of accomplished senior genetic counselors who are available to advocate for and influence issues of professional interest.
  • Access to a discussion group, Facebook page and retirement transition document
    • Involvement in SIG committees:
      • Connections – Provide opportunities for genetic counselors to connect with each other through a private Facebook page, discussion listserve, book club, and educational opportunities; serve as liaison to NSGConnect mentoring group.
      • History – Collect and preserve materials that document the history of the genetic counseling profession.
      • Career Arc- Explore and identify issues in the arc of a genetic counselor’s career, adapt the annual professional issue survey (PSS) to include data from retired genetic counselors and maintain a retirement toolkit. 


Current Members: Access the Late Career SIG community (including the Late Career SIG Discussion Forum and SIG Documents) here.


Christine Barth

SIG Committees

Career Arc Task Force (Co-Chair: Steve Keiles)

Connections (Chair: Jennie Stone)

History (Co-Chairs: Wendy Uhlmann, Debra Collins)
