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NSGC Industry Council

The NSGC Industry Council provides a formal structure for NSGC to engage with industry partners in strategic dialogue in order to learn from one another and advance the field of genetic counseling. Council members demonstrate their shared commitment to the growth of the field through their investment and participation. 

Industry Council members meet face-to-face and virtually throughout the year in an informal, collegial environment to engage in candid discussion on critical professional issues of mutual interest, find solutions to pressing challenges, sharing insights and best practices between NSGC and industry partners around our major strategic initiatives. By pooling resources and expertise, Council members and the NSGC Board of Directors can engage in joint problem-solving and identify collaborative opportunities to advance access to and the practice of genetic counseling.

Industry Council Flyer

Interested in Learning More?

Jessica Eustice, Director of Corporate Relations

NSGC 2025 Industry Council Members


Industry Council Objectives

  • Establish meaningful dialogue among industry partners, NSGC and genetic counseling thought leaders: NSGC’s Board of Directors, committee leaders, past Presidents, and other leading subject matter experts.
  • Share information, advice and assistance in developing new products, services and initiatives to enhance access to and the practice of genetic counseling.
  • Collaborate on advocacy efforts and pool resources to coordinate messaging and add leverage to joint legislative activities.
  • Discuss critical issues of mutual strategic interest, find solutions to pressing challenges, share best practices and provide NSGC with feedback on major initiatives.

Industry Council Impact

NSGC Industry Council funding will be disseminated at the Board’s discretion to support the organization’s strategic programs and initiatives. Increased resources will enable NSGC to:

  • Invest further in diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, including embarking upon a campus outreach program as described within the Exeter group proposal.
  • Invest in tools that increase communication and transparency with the general membership about our DEI efforts.
  • Grow advocacy efforts through increased use of technology and tools that will significantly increase our reach.
  • Explore opportunities to further NSGC’s research agenda.
  • Take steps toward the development of a data registry.
  • And more!

Key Participation Benefits

Knowledge Sharing

  • Council members will come away from meetings armed with new knowledge and insight into the experiences of their peers who have addressed similar challenges and succeeded. Open discussion of emerging trends will keep Council members ahead of the curve and able to anticipate future challenges.


  • Council members will work collaboratively with NSGC leadership, including the Board of Directors, past Presidents, committee leaders, and genetic counselor researchers to improve patient outcomes. They also will be encouraged to establish dialogue with other Council members to identify opportunities for collaboration.


  • Council members will receive briefings on progress toward NSGC’s healthcare policy agenda, including the latest updates on the Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act. Council members will have the opportunity to participate in coordinated nationwide efforts to further recognition of and reimbursement for genetic counselor services. Council members will be able to share their own policy initiatives to potentially garner collaboration and support.

Data Sharing

  • Council members will gain access to select, Board-approved NSGC member survey data reports (e.g. PSS reports) and aggregate NSGC member needs assessment data.
  • NSGC will share with Council members the organization’s research agenda, including the need for patient outcomes measurement, assessment of innovative service delivery models, piloting of new technology, and support for genetic counselor research.


  • Council members will have access to NSGC leadership in intimate, collegial settings to allow for direct connections with genetic counseling thought leaders.


  • Council members will have access to several unique opportunities to showcase their products, services and initiatives to NSGC members

Sharing Best Practices

  • Council members will have access to genetic counseling thought leaders who will share new content as well as education and training resources developed with evidence-based best practices in mind. Note: Council members will not have influence on clinical practice guideline development.


  • NSGC will recognize Council members in a variety of ways throughout the year and in conjunction with the Annual Conference, including logo acknowledgement on the NSGC website, content hub, communications, signage and slides.