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44th Annual Conference Schedule Notice 

NSGC's 44th Annual Conference is scheduled to take place Friday, November 7 - Monday, November 10, 2025 in Seattle, WA. We acknowledge that our 2025 Annual Conference dates are a shift from our usual Tuesday - Saturday date pattern and may present challenges for some of our attendees. The schedule change was a result of somewhat unique circumstances that we don’t anticipate facing in the future.

As background, NSGC typically contracts for our events from 3-4 years out from the event dates. When contracting for 2025 (which took place in 2022) we went out with an RFP for our usual date pattern to multiple cities and locations. During this time, the events industry was still experiencing what they called a “lift and shift” following the pandemic, which meant that many events scheduled in 2020 and 2021 were “lifted” and “shifted” to take place 2-3 years later, and these already established contracts had priority for space. As such, many of the options NSGC was presented with were outside of our normal date pattern or time of year.

After consideration of all the locations we received responses from, and taking into account conflicting events, religious, federal and other holidays, date pattern, travel accessibility, fit for the offered event space for our conference, and costs for attendees and for the organization, the NSGC Board determined that the Seattle location was the best option.

As we look ahead to 2026, we will be back to our typical pattern of a Tuesday – Saturday, with the conference taking place November 10-14, 2026; and our RFP for 2027 also reflects an ask for our usual date pattern and timing.  The “lift and shift” has now resolved, so we don’t anticipate being in the same situation moving forward.
