Each year, NSGC Members are called to actively participate in the call for nominations and slate ratification process in order to determine the subsequent years' NSGC Board of Directors. The NSGC Board of Directors is comprised of twelve members including a President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, Secretary/Treasurer Elect, and seven Directors-at-Large.
Nominations for the 2026 NSGC Board of Directors
Nominations for the 2026 Board of Directors closed on February 17, 2025.
Call for Candidates
The Call for Candidates is the most critical part of the slate ratification process, during which members are able to self-nominate or nominate others for consideration for leadership positions. NSGC Policy states that anyone serving as Vice-Chair of a Committee is ineligible for a board position. Please note that those currently volunteering in any role on a committee or work group, or who are serving as a SIG leader, will be required to step down from those roles in order to serve on the Board. The following resources are available for candidates who are interested in joining the NSGC Board or nominating a qualified candidate(s):
Nominations Process Timeline
2025 |
January |
Call for Board candidates opens |
February |
Call for Board candidates closes |
March |
Nominating Committee reviews candidate applications and conducts candidate interviews |
April/May |
Nominating Committee prepares the slate for member ratification |
July |
Slate Ratification Opens: NSGC eligible members vote to ratify the presented BOD slate |
August |
Ratification closes |
September |
BOD Slate Ratification results shared with NSGC Members |
Slate Ratification
The Nominating Committee thoroughly reviews nominations and invites a subset for interviews. The Nominating Committee then prepares the slate, which is ratified via an open ballot by NSGC eligible voting members. Full, New GC, and Emeritus members are eligible to vote. For more details, refer to the NSGC Bylaws.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is responsible for putting forth a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors that will best lead NSGC and reflects diversity of all kinds--race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, specialty, and experience, among others. The Nominating Committee shall consist of eight members:
- Immediate Past President (chair)
- President
- 2 Directors-at-Large (appointed by the President)
- 4 Members-at-Large, selected by the Membership Committee
The application process to serve as a Member-At-Large on the Nominating Committee is done annually through the NSGC Call For Volunteers.
2025 Nominating Committee
- Colleen A. Campbell, Immediate Past President, Chair
- Sara Pirzadeh-Miller, President
- Sheetal Parmar, Director-at-Large
- Lila Aiyar, Director-at-Large
- Carol Brooks, Member-at-Large
- Kali Roy, Member-at-Large
- Sophia Ceulemans, Member-at-Large
- Swetha Narayanan, Member-at-Large
If you have any questions about the Nominations Process or any of the information listed on this page, please contact Madeline Stanke, NSGC's Operations Manager, or any of the 2025 NSGC Nominating Committee members.